Posted: April 11, 2011
English Homework This Week:
complete a Venn Diagram, or compose two or three paragraphs, that compare and contrast life in the 1930'scompared with today. Students should refer to our novel for specific examples
read Chapter XVI (16) "Where The Red Fern Grows"
complete Cursive handwriting page # 52
read for pleasure (15 minutes)
complete comprehension questions from Where the Red Fern Grows
complete Cursive handwriting page # 53
read for pleasure (15 minutes)
complete Cursive handwriting page # 54
read for pleasure (15 minutes)
Writing Activity - students will be asked to complete their final copy, two or more paragraphs, about our class discussion on Easter ("What is Easter all about? Why do we have an "Easter Week-end"? How did the traddition of the Easter Bunny begin?, etc).