Posted: February 14, 2011
Spelling: Lesson 15 - Ex A,B,C and test on Friday
Writing: Writer's Workshop story. Students may take stories home to work on them, however there is no due date for them. We will work on each part of the writing process in class during the week. These stories may not get finished until next week, depending on time spent on them in class. If your child says that (s)he does not have writing homework, they are probably correct. A due date will be assigned later, when everyone has completed their draft copies.
Math: Complete all four review sheets by Friday.
Reading: Read from Guided reading books sent home each evening. A class novel will be introduced on Thursday and your child will take that home periodically.
A reminder that all book order forms must be turned in on Friday. The order will be sent out on Monday.
We hope to see you on our Family Night on Wednesday. We are also hopeful that one of our parents will win the Super Mom or Super Dad competition. See you then!