Posted: February 6, 2011
Spelling - Unit 14. Test will be on Friday. Complete Ex. A on Monday, B on Tuesday, C on Wednesday.
Handwriting - Monday "L", Tuesday "B", Wed "K", Thursday "M"
Math - Complete one worksheet each night.
Reading - A levelled book each night and you may read from one of your other books as well.
Pizza Party! - As part of our Christmas Around the World celebration, the winner of our Fete de Roi day won a pizza party. We will try to have it on Tuesday, if there isn't a snow day. It would be a good idea to send extra snacks with your child that day, incase two pieces of pizza is not enough. Should Tuesday be a storm day, we will have the pizza party on Wed.
Special Note: The children have completed their animal projects and we are extremely proud of their hard work. The projects are wonderful! They are posted in the lobby so that everyone may see them. I encourage you to pop by and see them. The children still need to present their projects to the class and this will be done over the next week.
Have a great week, everyone!