Posted: September 29, 2011
Welcome back to another exciting year in L.A. We are going to be doing a lot of writing and reading some really great books. I can't wait to get started.
I am getting this web page up and running for all my L.A. classes; 5Aubry, 4Matchett, 3LeGresley, and 3Girouard. You will be able to find out about assignments and tests due dates, get project outlines and read student stories and poems that I think are very good.
Try to check this page at least on Mondays, if not every day. I'll have assignments posted on Sundays.
Grade 3 classes - You should have your 'About Me' Draft completed for tomorrow. We are going on to Page 2 tomorrow.
Grade 4 - We are going to finish our Miramichi Morning piece tomorrow..... I hope.
Grade 5 - We will be finishing Bridge to Terabithia next week and then we will be having a test. When we are finished with the test, we will relax and watch the movie, and compare it to the book.
Enjoy your weekend guys, and check the page on Sunday:)