Posted: September 26, 2010
Mme. LeGresley
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: September 26, 2010
1. Lecture: Read the same book for 2 nights (color the tittle on the sheet).
Son- read the words,sentences and poem.
2. Math: Practice the numbers 20-30 (you can use the 100 chart).
Activity- Match the word and number. (1-6)
Note: Thank you to Samantha's mother for bringing Smiley cookies on Friday.
A donation from her work place. It was delicious :)
Posted: September 19, 2010
Wed, Sep 15/10 9:00 pm
Posted: September 19, 2010
Thu, Sep 23/10 9:00 pm
Posted: September 19, 2010
Tue, Sep 21/10 9:00 pm
Posted: September 19, 2010
1. Lecture: Read the same- book for 2 nights (color the tittle on the sheet).
Son- read the words,sentences and poem.
2. Math: Practice the numbers 1-20 (you can use the 100 chart).
3. Scholastic book order due on friday.
Note: Meeting in order to discuss and present the Grade 3 French
Immersion Program on Wednesday September 22 @ 6:00 p.m. in my classroom.
Mme Bulger-Hickey from District Office will attend.
I hope to see you there!
Posted: September 12, 2010
I hope that your child had a wonderful week in Grade 3. I can see that there are a lot of students eager to learn new French words. Bravo les amis(es)!
Please verify the homework binder as your child has reading and information for you this week .
Hope to see you at meet the Teacher on Wednesday!
Mme F. Le Gresley
Posted: June 24, 2010
Thu, Jun 24/10 9:00 pm
Posted: June 14, 2010
Wed, Jun 16/10 9:00 pm
Posted: May 25, 2010