Ms Girouard

Welcome To Our Page

 Lecture: feuille des  é                 livre (initiales)                                                 Mathématiques: nombres de 1 à 30           Education Physique: emmener vêtements           S.V.P. signer devoirs  Food Bank !
Lecture: feuille des é                livre - colorie le titre Mathématiques: nombres de 1 à 30 / signer quiz S.V.P. signer devoirs Livres de bibliothèque! Food Bank !
 Bonne fin de semaine!
   Lecture: livre (initiales)                                        feuille des o   Mathématiques: nombres de 1 à 20 (signer quiz)             S.V.P. signer devoirs   School Pictures by October 3rd ! Book order Monday October 1st!
  Lecture: nouveau livre (colorier)                   feuille des o   Mathématiques: nombres de 1 à 20 (quiz)    S.V.P. signer devoirs   Terry Fox Walk tomorow at 1:00 !
Lecture: feuille des  u                livre (initiales)                                               Math: nombres de 1 à 20 / signer quiz Education Physique: emmener vêtements S.V.P. signer devoirs 

Posted: September 23, 2012

Monday your child will receive their first French book, remind them that it is for practicing the vocabulary (that is why the level is lower then what they are reading in English). They will receive one new book every second day (these are books we have been practicing in class). Your child needs to color in the title of the book that he or she has read that particular night on their tracking sheet. When they have read it for the second night please put your initial on the tracking sheet beside that book. Thank you!

Posted: September 23, 2012

Les nombres de 1 à 20 - Fun song to learn the number and the words!

Lecture:   feuille des u             livre - colorie le titre (color the title)Mathématiques: nombres de 1 à 20 / signer quizS.V.P. signer devoirs Livres de bibliothèque!
 Passe une belle fin de semaine!



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Added: Sun, Nov 11 2012