Mlle. Rousselle - Archived Notes

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Posted: March 18, 2010

Please note that our class will be doing fractions this month and not measurements. I sent a note home to parents concerning the outcomes and activities you can do at home.

Posted: March 15, 2010

1. lecture 15 minutes. 2. Study basic operations, +,-,x, division. 3. Read "Les mots fréquents" (high frequency words) in Homework Binder      
1. lecture 15 minutes 2. Study multiplication and division, test on Friday.    Important events for the month of March: Our class has started to write pen pal letters to a 3/4 Immersion class in Riverview. They are very excited! I hope you all enjoyed your childs pyramids for their books reports! They are now working on a flower for their next book report. Please make sure you quiz your child with multiplications ans divisions every night as we have a test this Friday. we will start measurement next week. Grade 3- analog + digital clocks, tell and write time, count money, make change, read money, measure in millilitre, litres, grams, kilograms. Grade 4-Tell time-12 hour/24 hour clocks, estimate and measure area, record dates in various form. Please don't forget to write a note if you have any questions. Mlle Rousselle :)
1. lecture 15 minutes 2. Please continue to study multiplications and divisions. (games are on the web links and the colored sheet I gave them.)                       3. Quiz de math à signer.   * Please do not forget to bring $2.00 for the Olympics medals if you have not yet.   Olympic events for this week:     Tuesday: Boot pond hockey. Children must bring a helmet. Hockey stick will be provided for those that don't have any.   Wednesday: Figure Skating Grades 3-5 will be leaving Croft at 12:30 to go to Civic Center and will return at 2:30. Children will need their skates and their helmets.   Thursday: Curling at school. Rocks will be provided of course!   Friday: Closing ceremony in front of the School at 11:00.    Have a great March break!
1. lecture 15 minutes 2. Grade 3's must study their times tables up to 6 every night. 3. Grade 4's must study their times tables up to 9 every night. We are working on divisions in math therefore, they must master their multiplications!   * Have a  great Olympics everybody!

Posted: February 8, 2010

1. lecture 15 minutes 2. Study math facts (X -0-6) 3. Skating at the Civic Center Thursday at 9:00-9:50 4. Valentine party Friday 1:00-2:00 therefore you can send treats and Valentines for the class. Please see attachment  below.
Microsoft Office document icon class_list_10.doc553.5 KB
1. Lecture 15 minutes 2. Study math facts- multiplication  (0-5) Quiz on Friday 3. Study poem -Journée de la semaine-recite for Friday
1. Lecture 15 minutes (inclut poème et les 5 mots d'ortho) 2. Students must know the Winter poem and 5 spelling words. Quiz on Friday.                       3. Study math facts; times table 0,1,2,3,4-Quiz Friday (colored sheet in the Homework binder)   Have a great week!

Posted: January 19, 2010

Students must study their times table 0-1-2-3 for this week. The quiz will be on Friday. *Please do not forget to read every night!

Posted: January 11, 2010

1. Lecture 15 minutes. 2. Study multiplication 0-1. Starting Tuesday night.   * Students have started the multiplication units and are really enjoying it. Please make sure they study their times table everynight. Have fun!
1. Read 15 minutes 2. study name of geometric shapes (long sheet in math duo-tang)
