Mlle. Rousselle - Archived
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: March 8, 2010
Wed, Mar 10/10 8:00 pm
Posted: March 8, 2010
Thu, Mar 11/10 8:00 pm
Posted: March 8, 2010
Thu, Mar 18/10 9:00 pm
Posted: March 8, 2010
1. lecture 15 minutes
2. Study multiplication and division, test on Friday.
Important events for the month of March:
Our class has started to write pen pal letters to a 3/4 Immersion class in Riverview. They are very excited!
I hope you all enjoyed your childs pyramids for their books reports! They are now working on a flower for their next book report.
Please make sure you quiz your child with multiplications ans divisions every night as we have a test this Friday.
we will start measurement next week.
Grade 3- analog + digital clocks, tell and write time, count money, make change, read money, measure in millilitre, litres, grams, kilograms.
Grade 4-Tell time-12 hour/24 hour clocks, estimate and measure area, record dates in various form.
Please don't forget to write a note if you have any questions.
Mlle Rousselle :)
Posted: February 22, 2010
1. lecture 15 minutes
2. Please continue to study multiplications and divisions. (games are on the web links and the colored sheet I gave them.)
3. Quiz de math à signer.
* Please do not forget to bring $2.00 for the Olympics medals if you have not yet.
Olympic events for this week:
Tuesday: Boot pond hockey. Children must bring a helmet. Hockey stick will be provided for those that don't have any.
Wednesday: Figure Skating
Grades 3-5 will be leaving Croft at 12:30 to go to Civic Center and will return at 2:30. Children will need their skates and their helmets.
Thursday: Curling at school. Rocks will be provided of course!
Friday: Closing ceremony in front of the School at 11:00.
Have a great March break!
Posted: February 17, 2010
Posted: February 16, 2010
1. lecture 15 minutes
2. Grade 3's must study their times tables up to 6 every night.
3. Grade 4's must study their times tables up to 9 every night.
We are working on divisions in math therefore, they must master their multiplications!
* Have a great Olympics everybody!
Posted: February 12, 2010
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Added: Tue, Jun 22 2010