
Posted: October 10, 2013

WOW!  A total dollar amount of $1750 has been raised this year for The Terry Fox Foundation! Congratulations to our school and Community for the success of this very worthy cause!                                                        

Posted: October 9, 2013

Kindergarten registration will take place at Croft from October 15th to 18th for children who will turn 5 by December 31, 2014 and who start school in September 2014. Register your child for Kindergarten this October and receive information and invitations to be part of activities to support your child’s learning.  

Posted: October 8, 2013

 Our annual Thanksgiving Assembly is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday Oct. 9th at 10:30 a.m. Parents are always welcome to our assemblies!

Posted: October 8, 2013

Our Cross Country Finale will be held in Blackville on Wednesday Oct. 9th beginning at 4:00 pm. Go Croft Go!

Posted: October 6, 2013

Soccer season will draw to a close this week with two exciting days of soccer action. On Tuesday our final game of the season will be played at Gretna Green beginning at four o'clock and on Thursday our year end Jamboree will be held - also at Gretna Green. Our jamboree will get underway at 3:30 sharp and will conclude with a Championship Game at 5:30. Go Croft Go!!!

Posted: October 6, 2013

All parents are reminded that schools across New Brunswick will be closed this Thursday, Oct. 10th (Professional Learning Day For Staff) and Friday, Oct. 11th (Professional Learning Day For Staff) as well as Monday, Oct. 14th (Thanksgiving Holiday). Gobble, gobble, gobble :-)

Posted: October 2, 2013

All Gr. 3-5 Cross Country Runners are reminded that our third meet of the season is slated for today at St. Andrew's Elementary School, 77 Chatham Avenue, in Chatham. Race time is at 4:00 pm. Mrs. Barry will be our coach for today's meet. Thank you Mrs. Barry.

Posted: October 2, 2013

Picture re-takes are scheduled for Friday Oct. 18th. Smiles everyone, smiles ;-)

Posted: October 1, 2013

You are invited to support Croft students (K-5) in our Annual Fund Raiser.  We will be selling items from 2 different NOR CARD Catalogues.      NOTE:  Money will be collected when orders are taken.  ALL ORDERS AND MONEY MUST BE RETURNED TO CROFT BY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 2013.   Please make cheques payable to “Croft Elementary School”.     In accordance with Department of Education Policy Statement 312 – NO DOOR TO DOOR OR PUBLIC SOLICITATION PLEASE.   We ask that this Fundraiser involve your immediate family only.  Thank you for your cooperation.  

Posted: September 27, 2013

Croft students and staff were joined by dozens of parents and community members during our annual walk in support of "The Terry Fox Foundation" and cancer research. Thank you one and all for your support. The total amount raised for this event was one thousand five hundred fifty dollars and ninety five cents. This far exceeds our goal of one thousand dollars. A sincere thank you once again for your support.


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