We will be placing orders for pink Anti Bully T-Shirts.
We wear them the last Friday of each month.
The cost is $11.00.
An order form was sent home on November 13th. Any students wishing to place an order are asked to return this form along with $11.00 to the office by Thursday, November 20th.
We have T-shirts available in the office for sizing.
Coaches for Basketball are now needed. Students in Gr. 2-5 registered for Basketball today and are keen to get started. We hope to have a Gr. 2/3 Boys Team, Gr. 2/3 Girls Team, Gr. 4/5 Boys Team and Gr. 4/5 Girls Team. If interested in coaching any of these teams, please contact Mr. D at 627-4080.
All parents and community members are invited to attend our Annual Remembrance Day Ceremony being held on Monday November 10th beginning at 10:45 a.m. Please remember to proudly wear a poppy!
This is to advise all parents that our Parent School Support Committee Meeting (P.S.S.C.) will be held this Thursday
November 6th @ 7:00 p.m.
Our P.S.S.C. meets four times each year and advises the school principal on our School Improvement Plan, school policies and procedures.
New members are welcome to join our group.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know @ 627-4080.
Mark Donovan, Principal
Croft staff, along with School District Staff, will be participating in “Movember” this year.
This annual fundraiser is held in support of Prostate Cancer Research & Men's Health Issues.
Each Friday in November all students and staff will be encouraged to bring in a loonie and vote for their favorite moustache. A collection box will also be available in the main lobby, on Fridays all this month, to allow donations from parents and community.
Our Croft Mo Bros this year include the following gentlemen:
· Jean Guy Roy (District Maintenance)
Wowsers! Croft students and parents gave generously during our annual "We Scare Hunger" Food Bank Drive. How generous were we you might ask? Enough food was collected during the past two weeks to fill Mrs. Heather Page's Kia Soul!!! Thanks again to our most generous and supportive families. Happy Halloween ;-)
Our staff would like to wish all our children and families a Safe & Happy Halloween. Also, many thanks to our Home and School members, Sun FM Radio and all the volunteers who helped make our Croft Spooktacular Event such a huge success. Have fun Trick or Treating and remember to brush your teeth ;-)
Croft students will continue to collect items for our local food bank until Oct. 31st. A sincere thank you to all our families who have given so generously to this worthy cause.
Anglophone North School District has issued a directive stating that all doors entering our school are to be locked during the school day. This is something that has already occurred in most New Brunswick schools.
In an attempt to keep our school functioning smoothly, the main front doors will be unlocked for brief periods during both arrival and dismissal times.
In the very near future we will also be installing a new security system as well as a “sign in” procedure at the main office for visitors that arrive during the day.
Congrats to our school soccer team for winning the Champioship Match Up at our recent jamboree. All four schools played some excellent soccer and it was great to see some good sportsmanship all around. We are all very proud of our boys. Awesome!!!