Ms. Brophy - Archived Notes

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Posted: April 6, 2010

1. Levelled Text 2. Review all sight words 3. Review math facts to 12 + double facts (1+1, 2+2)   * Tomorrow, I will be sending home a sheet with students on subtracting numbers to twelve.   

Posted: March 16, 2010

1. Levelled Book 2. Sight Words 3. Math facts to 11    

Posted: March 8, 2010

1. Levelled Text 2. Sight Words      - Today I tested each student on the 50 sight words that they are required to know by the end of Grade One.  Sight words were created based on the words students did not recognize.  Therefore, each individual child has their own specific set of words that they need to review this week.  3. Math Facts - Review facts up to 9.  Next week we will begin subtraction!!   

Posted: March 8, 2010

I would like to send a special thank you to Paula and Lucas Aube, for sending me pictures they took during our Croft Olympics!!  Thank you very much Paula and Lucas, it was very much appreciated!!   I am hoping to get the rest of our pictures, from the Olympics, on the class website soon!!   

Posted: February 22, 2010

Since this is the last week of school before March Break, I am not going to send any sight words or levelled books home.  Although, please continue to read to your child every night, as a fun family activity.  Have a great break!!   Olympic News: Here are K/1B's winners so far: Snowshoeing: Austin Mecure - 3rd Place Boot Skiing: Landon Skidmore- 1st Place Speed Skating: Celia Hale - 2nd Place Skeleton: Landon Skidmore - 2nd Place Biathlon: Landon Skidmore - 1st Place                Keigan Sherwood - 3rd Place    

Posted: February 15, 2010

1. Reading Levelled text. 2. Sight Words 3. Math facts to 9.

Posted: February 15, 2010

Today, K/1B (Austria) and KW (Denmark) competed in their first olympic game, snowshoeing!  I am very pleased to announce that Austria had a 3rd place winner, Austin Mecure!!  Great job, Austin!!  I would also like to congratulate the winners in Mrs. Wilson's class!!  Awesome work!!  Tomorrow, Austria and Denmark will compete in a boot skiing competition!! 

Posted: February 12, 2010

First, I would like to send a big thank you to all parents who sent in the delicious treats!!  The children loved everything!!   Monday Activities: 1. Austria (K/1B) and Denmark (KW) will be competing for medals in our first Olympic game; snowshoeing.  The game will begin at 9:00!!  It should be lot's of fun!! 2. Kindergarten and Grade one's day to skate on Croft Elementary's rink.  If your child wishes to participate in this activity, please send their skates and helmets to school. 3.  To help our Grade 5 students raise money for their class trip to Mt. Carleton, a popcorn machine has been placed in the school.  Every Monday, students in Kindergarten and Grade One will be able to purchase air popped popcorn at noon time.  If your child is interested in having popcorn, please send a dollar to school with your child.   Tuesday Activites: 1.  Austria and Denmark will be competing in a sock skiing game in the gymnasium. 2.  K/1B and 4S will be skating on the Croft Elementary Rink.  Please send your child's skates and helmet to school!

Posted: February 9, 2010

1. Levelled Book 2. Sight Words 3. Math Facts up to 9.    

Posted: February 2, 2010

Math Facts - Learn math facts up to 7 Levelled Books Sight Words

Posted: January 25, 2010

Today, K/1B started an author/illustrator study on Jan Brett.  They learned where the author lives, what inspires her stories and the name of her first book.  The students were really excited to listen to the first book "Trouble with Trolls", and all the activities we did with it.  They especially enjoyed the short clip I found about Norway, which was the setting of the book.  By the end of the day, they were all excited and wondering when I was going to read the sequel.

Posted: January 25, 2010

1. Math Facts - Students should study their math facts up to 7 this week. 2. Reading - Students should reading their levelled texts every night.  I also encourage you to read to your child every night as well! 3. Sight Words - This week, I have sent home some new sight words.  These words revolve around the first five colors of the rainbow.

Posted: January 18, 2010

1. Sight Words (New words next week!!)  2. Math facts 0-5 3. Levelled Books 

Posted: January 14, 2010

Civic Center: Thursday, November 21 will be our first skating trip to the Civic Center!!  If there are any parents available to come at this time, I would greatly appreciate it!!  Croft Elementary Skating Rink: Croft's skating rink offically opened yesterday at lunch time!  Students were very excited!!  Due to the fact that kindergarten children will need help with more than just putting on skates, it may be a good idea for the kids to have a parent with them at lunch, if they are interested in skating.  This way, students will be able to skate on the rink longer, instead of waiting in line for someone to help them.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this matter!! 

Posted: January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!!  I hope that everyone had a fantastic Christmas break!    Homework: January 11 - 15, 2010 These are the two nights to check your child's black bag for new material.  Sight words and math facts should be reviewed every night.  January 11: New sight words went home with both Kindergarten and Grade 1 students today.  January 12: - Math fact sheets will be sent home.  Students are only expected to know their math facts (addition), up to 5.     
