As we finish up our French unit on eating habits and preferences, Tuesday, January 18 we are having "Un diner de mes aliments préférés" (My Favorite Foods lunch).
This means we will be eating lunch all together in our class, while speaking french of course!
Students, who can, will bring in a lunch that includes their favorite food (or one of their favorites).
Please remember we are a nut free school!
Before we eat, each student will briefly present to the class what their favorite food is, why they like it so much, and how often they get to have it (in French). This does not need to be a prepared written presentation, but they should have an idea what they want to say about it. We have alreay discussed this in class and most of the neccessary vocabulary has been used daily throughout the unit, however I will help with any unfamiliar vocabulary.
*Some students have asked if they could bring in enough of their favorite food to let their classmates try it. This is fine, but not at all neccessary; as long as they each have something to eat and something to present they are fine!
(Please let me know if there are any food allergies I am not already aware of. Thanks)
**If it is not possible to bring in any of their favorite foods, they can bring a packed lunch to eat with us and a picture or drawing of their favorite food item to present with!