Dear Parent(s),
Our class has been invited to participate in decorating a Christmas tree at the District 16 School Board Office next Monday, December 14th. We are all looking forward to going and this afternoon, we made our gingerbread ornaments for the event. Each child was able to make two ornaments of their choice. They had a great time and you should smell our classroom. Delicious!
If you would like to try this activity with you family it is very easy. All you need is apple sauce and cinnamon. Pour equal amounts of each into a bowl and mix together. ( 1 cup makes 10-15, 3-inch ornaments.) If the mixture seems too wet after mixing, just add a bit more cinnamon and mix it in. Then roll out the dough between two pieces of wax paper and cut out your shapes. Make a hole at the top of the ornament with a straw and this is where you will put the ribbon once the ornament is dry. Drying will take a few days, depending on how thick you make them, and you have to turn the ornament over to let both sides dry. If you wish to speed up the process, you can also put them in the oven at 350 for about an hour, again depending on how thick they are. Have Fun!